The summer season is here, so to make sure your airline travel is a smooth hassle-free experience, here are some quick tips to use our free FlightAware app!
Getting Started
- If you don't already have it, download the FlightAware app from from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device's app store, or click here.
- Launch the app by tapping on the FlightAware icon to see just how easy air travel can be!
- Creating an account is optional, but we do recommend it for ease of use.
- Click “create a new account” and follow the onscreen instructions. If you already have an account, simply log in.
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Once logged in, take a moment to explore and locate the various options.
To find the flight you’re booked on or the flight of a friend, relative, or business associate, enter the flight number, or if you don’t know it, just enter the Departure and Arrival cities or airports.
See Flight Status & Info
Once you locate your flight, click on it to find real-time updates of your flight’s status, it’s scheduled departure and arrival times, gate information, and more.
Click on more details for aircraft flight times and details such as tail number, the planned route of flight, active runways, and more.
Where is my Plane
Next, try one of our most popular features by clicking Where is my Plane? to find out exactly where your aircraft is in the air or on the ground. This is especially helpful when making a connecting flight. The Where is my Plane feature provides critical information on a flight’s whereabouts to also assist you in making connecting and delayed flight rebooking decisions. For example, if the gate information says your flight is departing in 45 minutes, but you see on FlightAware that the jet is still a half hour away from landing, this can help you plan accordingly, knowing that you're unlikely to depart on time.
Flight Alerts
If you're interested in getting alerts on your flight, including all updates on takeoff time, expected airport arrival, time at the gate, diversions to an alternate airport and more, simply click on the Alerts icon (bell) at the top of the screen. Select the flight, and then set up either email and/or text message alerts.
Weather is the most significant factor affecting flight delays. Use the app to see real-time radar information about precipitation that could affect your flight. Another helpful FlightAware app feature is the variety of maps and overlays available to you depending on your device. Click on the layer icon and select the ones you prefer.
To customize your app experience simply tap on Settings to access features such as miles versus kilometers, notification type, map display options, and more.
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But FlightAware tracks more than airline flights – we track almost EVERY flight – and that includes private aircraft you might be flying on, a friends adventure…or the planes you see flying overhead, just click on any plane around you to see where its headed.
To use this feature on your iOS device, open the app and select the location icon (bottom right) to access the map and see flights over head, or hit the hamburger menu (lower left) to see a list of nearby flights. On your android device, open your app and select the hamburger menu on the left, then click on “nearby me” to view the map.
Happy Travels!
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