FlightAware Aviator provides users with detailed information about weather conditions and runway configurations at their origin and destination airports.
A smoother flight with Cockpit Situational Insights

A smoother flight with Cockpit Situational Insights

No matter what flying conditions you’re under, Aviator features key insights that help make your flying experience safer and more efficient. You can view live aircraft autopilot settings and heading/altitude pre-selects (e.g., LNAV 280° VNAV 12000) directly on the flight tracking page in the "Flight Data" section. Above that section, you can view airport "Weather Conditions," including:
- Flight Rules (VFR/IFR)
- Cloud and wind conditions
- Visibility range
- Density altitude
- Temperatures
- Sunrise/Sunset times
Keep an eye on your runways
Using our terrestrial ADS-B network, we can identify runways currently in use, as well as the runway your aircraft actually used. On the flight tracking page, FlightAware Aviator users can view the active runways at your scheduled origin and destination, as well as the actual runways used by your aircraft, to understand potential taxi delays and current airport conditions.

Try out the Mobile App
Aviator users can also access these features using the FlightAware mobile app.
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